Help:Installation guide

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Operating environment

You need to establish a server environment that can run Apache, PHP (5.3.0, or 5.3.2 or higher) and MySQL.

* PHP5.3.1 has bugs. Therefore, the MediaWiki system cannot be installed because an error occurs during the installation process.

Operation of the Metabolonote system has been tested with the middleware versions below.

Environment Version
OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6
Apache 2.2.3
PHP 5.3.3
MySQL 5.0.77
MediaWiki 1.18.2
SemanticMediaWiki 1.7.1
SemanticForms 2.4.2


You can download the system files necessary for installing the Metabolonote system from the page below.

Download Page


When installing the Metabolonote system, you need to install each program in predetermined order. If you do not follow this installation order, the system does not operate properly.

Unique extensions are implemented in order for SemanticMediaWiki and SemanticForms to be utilized on the Metabolonote system. You must download a set of extended files from this Download page for installation.

Metabolonote must be installed step by step as described below.

Step 1: MediaWiki

Step 2: SemanticMediaWiki

Step 3: SemanticForms

Step 4: Metabolonote

Options setting

How to get the keys necessary for conducting ReCapcha of ComfirmEdit

When users create an account, the Metabolonote system always requires an authentication based on the use of the capture function. By default, the system asks a simple addition or subtraction question. You can also select another authentication method of entering strings displayed on the screen. The authentication image is captured by reCaptcha.

  1. Go to the reCaptcha web site
  2. Select the link "USE reCAPTCHA ON YOUR SITE"
  3. Select the link "Sign up Now!"
  4. Login the Google
  5. Input the URL into the field "Domain" and crick the button "Create Key"
  6. Edit the settings about"Public Key" and "Private Key" in the LocalSettings.php of MediaWiki you built
$wgCaptchaClass = 'ReCaptcha';
$recaptcha_public_key = 'represented Public Key';
$recaptcha_private_key = 'represented Private Key';
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