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Welcome to Metabolonote

Metabolonote is a database/management system that manages "metadata" for experimental data obtained through metabolomics studies.

URL Change Notice and Request

The hostname in the URL of the Metabolonote service, "," has been changed to "". Please update your URL in a link or bookmark, especially if it is used for API accesses. The previous hostname, "," will expire completely in a certain period of time. See the details on this page.

Browse Metadata
The list of published metadata.
Retrieve Metabolonote data from external programs using these API functions.
Registering and Editing Metadata
Register your own metadata by creating your login account (free).
For System Administrators
Build a local Metabolonote system by downloading source code files available here.
Click here for more details about Metabolonote.

News / Announcement

13 July 2024 
URL Change Notice and Request

The hostname in the URL of the Metabolonote service, "," has been changed to "". Please update your URL in a link or bookmark, especially if it is used for API accesses. The previous hostname, "," will expire completely in a certain period of time. See the details on this page.

23 October 2014 
A bug was fixed: In some case, new Sample Set could not be created.
27 March 2014 
The system was updated to version 1.3.0. "Active User Ranking" is available in the side bar.

Concept and Features
of Metabolonote

Metadata is detailed information, such as experimental methods and analysis conditions, associated with experimental data. Metabolomics is a research field that exhaustively studies metabolism compounds. Since each research phase of sample preparation, instrumental analysis, and data analysis is extremely complicated, metabolomics experimental data is usually accompanied with a vast amount of metadata.
Metabolonote is a specialized database system for metadata management. This system aims to promote the publication and utilization of metabolomics data by simplifying the metadata record process. Separation of the management of metadata from experimental data has the following two advantages: (1) Multiple databases can share the same metadata, and (2) Data can easily be publicized.


Data Structure and ID Notation

Metabolonote manages metadata by separating it mainly into four layers. According to these layer structures, IDs are given to metadata.

(Example) Metadata with the ID "SE1_S01_M01_D01" assigned is described on the Wiki page entitled "SE1:/S01/M01/D01" which can be accessed through the following URL.

To learn more about browsing Metabolonote, check the rules for assigning IDs and information on how to name each Wiki page.


Ara T et al (2015) Metabolonote: a wiki-based database for managing hierarchical metadata of metabolome analyses. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 3: 38

Journal Website


Metabolonote was developed by the research team at Kazusa DNA Research Institute, in the research project entitled "Development of Metabolome Database (Chief: Prof. Shigehiko Kanaya, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)" supported by National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

For any futher questions or comments, please contact us at the e-mail address below.

E-mail: sakurai AT
(Please change the "@" to one-byte character size)

Personal tools
View and Edit Metadata