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Sample Set Information

Title Comaparaive metabolite analysis of three Allium species
Description Investigation of Allium species leaf metabolites. 3 species, 4 replicates data are examined.
Authors Takeshi Ara 1,2, Kunihiro Suda 1, Masayuki Amagai 3,4,5, Kiyoshi Namai 3,6, Hideyuki Suzuki 1,7, Nozomu Sakurai 1,8, Daisuke Shibata 1,4, 1:Kazusa DNA Research Institute, 2:Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, 3:Tochigi Agricultural Experimentation Station, 4:Department of Biological Sciences, Kisarazu Campus of Tohoku University, 5:Ansoku Agriculture Promotion Office, 6:Tochigi Agricultural College, 7:Hirata Corporation, 8:Department of Informatics, National Institute of Genetics.
Reference Ara T. et al. (2020) Plant Biotechnology 37(3), 383-387.

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Data Analysis Details Information

Title PowerGet analysis for annotation of peaks with MS/MS
Description Raw data files are converted to text file by MSGet software without cut off value and peaks are extracted from the text files by PowerFT with parameters (intensity cut off=5000, peak selection filter is default, peak shape is manually checked for peaks with intensity < 1000). The replicates data are aligned by PowerMatch with blank data. The alignment is manually edited. Assigned peaks observed in multiple replicate samples are selected for annotation process.

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