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Sample Set Information

Title Toward genome-wide metabolotyping and elucidation of metabolic system: metabolic profiling of large-scale bioresources
Description We established a novel methodology, termed widely targeted metabolomics, which can generate thousands of metabolome data points in a high-throughput manner. We previously conducted a targeted metabolite analysis of large-scale Arabidopsis bioresources, namely transposon-tagged mutants and accessions, to make a smaller dataset of metabolite accumulation. In this paper, we release approximately 3,000 metabolic profiles obtained by targeted analysis for 36 metabolites and discuss the possible regulation of amino acid accumulation.
Authors Masami Yokota Hirai, Yuji Sawada, Shigehiko Kanaya, Takashi Kuromori, Masatomo Kobayashi, Romy Klausnitzer, Kosuke Hanada, Kenji Akiyama, Tetsuya Sakurai, Kazuki Saito, Kazuo Shinozaki
Reference Hirai YM et al. (2010) Journal of Plant Research 123: 291-298

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The raw data files are available at DROP Met web site in PRIMe database of RIKEN.

Analytical Method Details Information

Instrument UPLC (Waters)-quadrupole MS and ZQ mass spectrometers (Waters)
Instrument Type
Ionization ESI
Ion Mode Positive (amino acid analysis) and negative (glucosinolates and flavonoid analysis)
Description A total of 200 seeds of each independent mutant and accession were homogenized using a mixer mill MM 200 (Retsch) in 80 μL of extraction buffer [40% acetonitrile in H2O with 25 μM hydroxyphenyl–glucosinolate (GSL) and 50 μM norleucine as internal standards].The extracts were diluted with 500 lL of LC–MS grade H2O and centrifuged (1,000 g) for 5 min. The supernatants were filtered through a CAPTIVA 0.45μlm filter (Varian).

Thirty-six metabolites (17 amino acids, 18 GSLs, and 1 flavonoid; Table S1) were separated on UPLC through a reverse phase column (50 9 2.1 mm,HSS T3 1.8 μm; Waters) (Table S1) and detected using ZQ mass spectrometers (Waters) with an electrospray ionization (ESI) interface (positive mode for amino acid analysis; negative mode for glucosinolates and flavonoid analysis; capillary voltage, +3.0 and -3.0 keV; cone voltage, +25 and -40 V; source temperature, 120℃; desolvation temperature, 350℃; cone gas flow, 50 L/h; desolvation gas flow, 600 L/h).


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