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S ID S1  +
S Organism - ID NCBI taxonomy:3702  +
S Organism - Scientific Name Arabidopsis thaliana  +
S Preparation Seeds of T-DNA insertion lines for sqd2-1 Seeds of T-DNA insertion lines for sqd2-1 (SALK_070595) and sqd2-2 (SALK_139798) were purchased from ABRC at Ohio State University. The T-DNA insertion sites of these lines were confirmed by sequencing PCR fragments (Supplementary Fig. S16). A PCR fragment at the left border of the T-DNA of sqd2-1 was amplified using LBa1 and SALK_070595_Fw, and the right border of the T-DNA of sqd2-2 was amplified using SALK_070595_Fw and RBa1 (Supplementary Table S1). The sqd1, ugp3-1 and ugp3-2 mutants were isolated in our previous study based on the results of genome PCR17 and used again in this research. Seeds of the sqd2 mutant in the Ws-0 background (provisionally named sqd2-3 in this study) and its wild-type were kind gifts from Professor Benning. pe were kind gifts from Professor Benning.
S Sample Preparation Details ID SS1  +
S Title Arabidopsis thaliana  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 20 April 2018 01:13:33  +
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