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Sample Set Information

Title Comparison of fruit metabolites among tomato varieties 1
Description Investigation of Solanum lycopersicum fruit metabolites. 3 caltivars and an original species, 3 replicates data are examined.
Authors Naoki Yamamoto 1, Takeshi Ara 1, Tatsuya Suzuki 2, Taneaki Tsugane 2, Sayaka Shinpo 1, Yoshihiko Morishita 1, Ryosuke Sasaki 1, Mitsuo Enomoto 1, Nozomu Sakurai 1, Hideyuki Suzuki 1, Daisuke Shibata 1, 1: Kazusa DNA Research Institute, 2: Chiba Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
Reference Yamamoto N et al. (2012) Plant Biotechnology 29: 109-113
Comment version 5

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The web resources and information related to the species used in this study are available at Plant Genome Database Japan (PGDBj).

Annotation Method Details Information

Title PowerGet annotation A1
Description In annotation process, KEGG, KNApSAcK and LipidMAPS are used for primary database search. Peaks with no hit to these databases are then selected to secondary search using exactMassDB and Pep1000 databases. After the database search processes, each database hits are manually checked to assign a compound name or compound category name. In case of no compound name or compound category name can assign, predicted molecular formulas are used for the annotation. Peaks without predicted molecular formula are assigned as "unidentified" peak.
Comment_of_details TogoAnalysisMethodID=TAFT2011A

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