
From Metabolonote
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Page Layout

In the Metabolonote system, pages and input forms that are displayed are configured based on the following specialized types of the pages.

Name Description
Property This page defines the data type for each field of the form. Property settings can change the form that is used when data is edited.
Template This page contains predefined sentences that compose pages. Configuring the template composition can change the page layout when data is browsed.
Form This page composes input fields used for editing data. Configuring the form composition can change the page layout when data is edited or browsed.

This section describes how to create each setting file.

Creating a Property

Data Types
Data Type Description
Page A link to a page
String A text string with 255 characters or less. To restrict the value, separate with comma to create selection options.
Text Same with String, but the length is not restricted.
Code Same with Text, but the special text format used for technical documents is maintained.
Boolean Truth value. This value is restricted to true or false.
Number Integer and decimal
Geographic coordinate Longitude and latitude
Temperature Application of Number, which supports the temperature unit.
Date Time
Email Indicate the e-mail address as a link ("mailto:" is added).
URL Indicate the external link to the URL object specified.
Annotation URI Same with URL, but there is a difference in RDF export processing.
Telephone number Verify and save international telephone number based on the RFC 3966 standard.
Record Indicate the value of composite properties consisting of a list of short values described based on the predetermined type and order.

* The table above shows each data type of "Type" in the table below.

Example of creating Property.
Property name Type* Form type
SE_ID String Text Box
SE_Description Text Text Area
MS_Instrument Type String Pull down

The following section describes how to create properties of those types contained in the table above.

  • Select the "Special Pages" link from the toolbox on the right side of the page.

Select the "Create a property" link.

Create Text Box

Create a text box
Enter "Property Name" and "Type" as shown below.

Property Name: SE_ID
Type: String

After entering necessary information, click the Save page button.

Create Text Area

Create a text area
Enter "Property Name" and "Type" as shown below.

Property Name: SE_Description
Type: Text

After entering necessary information, click the Save page button.

Create Pull down

Create a pull down menu
Enter "Property Name", "Type", and "Candidate string" as shown below.

Property Name: MS_Instrument Type
Type: String
Candidate letters: LC-FTICR-MS,LC-Orbitrap-MS
* The "Candidate string" can be separated with comma as the delimiter.

After entering necessary information, click the Save page button.

Create a template

Item to be used
Item name Description
Template Name Title of the template page to be created
Field Name Parameter name described on the form
Display Label Field name displayed when the page is browsed
Semantic property Property name to be used
Output Format Position of the window displayed

* The items below are kept undefined in the Metabolonote system.

  • Category defined by the template
  • Aggregation

The following section describes how to create a template based on the table above.

Create Template

Create a Template

  • Select the "Special Pages"link from the toolbox on the right side of the page. Click the "Create a template"link.

Enter each value for the template composition as shown below.

Example to create Template
Template name Field name Display label Semantic property
SE_Title Title SE_Title
SE_Description Description SE_Description
SE_Authors Authors SE_Authors
SE_Reference Reference SE_Reference
SE_Comment Comment SE_Comment
  • The "Output Format" is set to "Standard".

After entering necessary information, click the Save page button.

Creating a form

In the Metabolonote system, the parameters below are used for configuring the form settings.

Items to be used
Item name Description
Form Name Title of the form page to be created
Add Template Template that becomes the base of the form created
Template Label Decoration of the edit page with the form used
Selection of the parent page Hierarchical structure of the form

For all forms, only one "_TopPage" value can be selected.

Label for display Template name displayed when the page is browsed
Label for xml file Template name indicated when API is output
Other parameters
displayItem Setting items listed in Public Pages and My Pages
Only one choice can be selected for all forms
relatedPage Setting item that defines the reference page when page data is browsed
xmlField Data item name indicated when API is used

The following section describes how to create a form by using the items in the table above.

  • Select the link "Special Pages" from the toolbox on the right side of the page.

Select the link "Create a form".

The Metabolonote system uses the following three types of form.

Form Name Description Individual setting item
SE Sample set top page of Metabolonote Setting items listed in Public Pages and My Pages.
S Page under the SE form
M Page under the S form Item that refers to the MS form contents

The following section describes how to make a form based on the table above.

Create Form

Create an SE Form
As shown in the example below, select the form name and the template used for the form.

Form Name: SE
Add Template: SE

After entering the above information, click the Add button.

Create Form

Create an SE Form
As shown in the screenshot on the right, set the parameters of the SE form.
* Select the item "displayItem" in the "Field: 'SE_Title'".
After selecting the above item, click the Save page button.

Create Form

Creating an S form
As shown in the example below, select the form name and the template used for the form.

Form Name: S
Add Template: S

After entering the above information, click the Add button.

Create Form

Creating an S form
As shown in the screenshot on the right, set the parameters of the S form.
* Select "Selection of the parent page: SE".
After selecting the above item, click the Save page button.

Create Form

Create an M form
As shown in the example below, select the form name and the template used for the form.

Form Name: M
Add Template: M

After entering the above information, click the Add button.

Create Form

Create an M form
As shown in the screenshot on the right, set the parameters of the M form.
* Select "Selection of the parent page: S".
Select the item "relatedPage" in "Field: 'M_Method Set ID'".
After selecting the above item, click the Save page button.

Personal tools
View and Edit Metadata